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    湖南省长沙市岳麓区麓谷国际工业园 A6-608 号 邮编:410205


英文名称:Swertia Bimaculata Extract

植物学名:Swertia Bimaculata


规格: 8%~48%Swertiamarin




Swertia bimaculata is a plant species in the family gentianaceae,swertiamarin is used as an active ingredient extracted from Swertia Bimaculata.Swertia is a popular medicinal herb, which has been used for the treatment of dyspepsia, urinary infection, and hepatitis diseases in the middle-western ethnic district of China.The swertiamarin in swertia bimaculata are being used to relieve pain. It mainly treats the hepatitis, Oxidation resistance,Antivirus,Increase Immune Function.


产品名称 獐牙菜提取物
外观和颜色 Fine brown yellow powder
提取比例 8%~48%Swertiamarin
网眼尺寸 NLT 90% 至 80 目
水分含量 NMT 5.0%
灰分含量 NMT 5.0%
重金属 NMT 10ppm
砷(As) NMT 1ppm
镉 (Cd) NMT 1ppm
汞(Hg) NMT 0.1ppm
铅 (Pb) NMT 3ppm
提取溶剂 谷物酒精/水


Swertia Bimaculata Extract has the following effects:

  • Swertia bimaculata extract has hepatoprotective, detoxifying, and apparently inhibits liver cancer cells.
  • Swertiamarin has a direct effect on intestinal smooth muscle and spasm, and can be used in weight loss products.
  • It has obvious analgesic and sedative effect, can treat gastrointestinal pain.
  • Swertia bimaculata extract has improved biochemical functions of skin cells and can be used in anti-aging cosmetics.


Packaging detail of Swertia bimaculata extract :

包装详情:1 千克/袋、5 千克/袋、或 25 千克/纸桶或纸箱,或按您的要求。

包装详情 :

  1. 每个铝箔袋 1 公斤,内装一个塑料袋;
  2. 每个纸板桶 25 公斤,内装一个塑料袋;
  3. 根据客户要求进行包装。


Patricia Zhong

Hunan MT Health Inc.
电话:(86) 0731 8557 4748
WhatsApp & WeChat: +86 157 1734 0840

电子邮件和 Skype: 销售额16@mthealth.com.cn


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    湖南省长沙市岳麓区麓谷国际工业园 A6-608 号 邮编:410205


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