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    湖南省长沙市岳麓区麓谷国际工业园 A6-608 号 邮编:410205


英文名称:Honey Powder





Honey powder is a dehydrated form of natural honey and typically contains less than 2 percent of the typical liquid content of the traditional, liquid form of this golden sweetener. Since it is dehydrated, this powder has a much longer shelf life and is more versatile for adding in different recipes. The best benefits of this powder include weight loss, skincare, and digestion. It also dissolves quickly and can improve the flavor of various dishes.



Honey powder has the following effects:

  1. Most people use this dry form of honey as something healthy to sprinkle into their cereal, fruit salads, bread, cakes, and other forms of dessert. Many bakers and chefs turn to this powder when they are cooking something in which the liquid content needs to be less. Aside from its versatility in the kitchen, it also has several health benefits associated with it.
  2. Skin Care. Consuming honey powder or mixing it in other cosmetic applications is known to improve the appearance and health of the skin and reduce the signs of aging.
  3. Honey powder helps kickstart the motabolism, which can aid in weight loss.
  4. The anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory compounds found in honey powder are excellent for preventing and treating infections throughout the body, particularly in the stomach. It can also help reduce symptoms of constipation and cramping.


Packaging of Honey powder:



Shelf Life: 2 years if Honey powder sealed and store away from direct sun light.

Shipping Methods of Honey powder:

  1. 快递:适用于样品订单或小于 50 千克的订单,3-10 天,运费高,门到门服务;
  2. 空运:适用于大于 50 公斤的货物,3-7 天,费用低于快递费用,机场到机场服务,需要专业经纪人;
  3. 海运:适用于 > 300 千克,7-45 天,成本最低,港口到港口服务,需要专业经纪人。


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    湖南省长沙市岳麓区麓谷国际工业园 A6-608 号 邮编:410205


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