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    No. A6-608 Lugu International Industrial Park, Yuelu District, Changsha 410205, Hunan, P.R China

The Prospect Of Applying Plant Extracts To Cosmetics

May 19, 2021

In China, the development of cosmetic plant resources has the advantage of being timely and advantageous. This is because natural cosmetics have huge folks and domestic markets. China’s medical treasures have accumulated rich clinical experience, and the application range, dosage and efficacy of plant extracts. There are many verifications in terms of compatibility, side effects, safety, etc. These precious data are conducive to the development of effective plant resources; China’s trans-tropical, subtropical, temperate, soil climatic conditions are suitable for the growth of many types of plants, rich Plant resources provide the advantages of natural resources for the development of natural cosmetics. Therefore, according to China’s national conditions, we attach great importance to the application and development of plant resources in cosmetics. We have rich plant resources and thousands of years of use history for reference. There are also a large number of domestic and foreign markets, and its development prospects are very broad. In addition, plant extracts have the characteristics of small side effects and high safety, and the price is relatively low. It can develop characteristic natural cosmetics and convert the advantages of plant extracts into The commercial and economic advantages of natural cosmetics.

A new trend in the development of cosmetics in the world today is to return to nature and cosmetic planting. Cosmetics made from natural raw materials have become more and more popular among consumers. As early as 2,000 years ago, people in ancient China knew how to use animals and plants for beauty and makeup. In the Tang Dynasty, Sun Sizhen’s “Thousands of Gold Wings” There are 25 topical cosmetic prescriptions, of which 76 are listed for beauty treatment. In foreign countries. Aloe vera plants have been used as emollients for centuries to prevent skin inflammation and promote healing of abrasions. It can be seen that the early stages of the development of human cosmetics are the use of natural products as cosmetics, only with the science and technology. Progressively, it has been found that synthetic chemicals are easier to obtain than natural products, easier to manufacture and use, and cost-effectively lower, so they scrape away natural cosmetics and chase chemical products, making cosmetics containing chemical synthetic substances in a fairly factory time. It occupies a dominant position in the cosmetics market. Because plants have the characteristics of small side effects and high safety, and the biologically active natural substances contain various pharmacological functions and nutritional effects, “chemical planting” is of course welcomed by consumers.

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    No. A6-608 Lugu International Industrial Park, Yuelu District, Changsha 410205, Hunan, P.R China

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