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    No. A6-608 Lugu International Industrial Park, Yuelu District, Changsha 410205, Hunan, P.R China

Ginger Extract

Jan 20, 2024

Ginger Extract

Ginger (Latin scientific name: Zingiber officinale Roscoe) is a fresh rhizome of Zingiber officinale. It is mainly distributed in the provinces of central and eastern China, southeast to southwest. The height of ginger is 50-100 cm, the rhizome is fleshy, oblate, branched, and has a fragrant and spicy smell.

Ginger Extract

Ginger extract powder is extracted from ginger root. The main ingredients are gingerol,linalool and ginger etc.

In hot weather,we can eat some ginger extract to overcome  some uncomfortable situations,such as irritation, refreshing,sweating  and so on.

Ginger Extract

The main function of Ginger extract

1. Researchs  have showed that ginger extract can play a certain role in antibiotics, especially Salmonella. In hot temperatures, food is easily contaminated by bacteria, grows fast and easily causes acute gastroenteritis, and moderate consumption can play a preventive role.

2. Ginger extract has obvious inhibitory effect on fungal skin and vaginal trichomoniasis, and can heal various swelling and sores.

In addition, the treatment of bad breath can be gargle with ginger water and periodontitis.

3. Eating ginger extract can prevent nausea and stop vomiting. If there is “motor maladjustment” caused by some exercise, eat some toothache to relieve it. Studies have shown that ginger root powder has a positive effect on headache, dizziness, nausea, vomiting and other symptoms caused by exercise, lasting more than 4 hours. People used to eat ginger extract powder to avoid seasickness and seasickness. It has a significant effect, so ginger extract is called “vomit killer”.

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