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Eight applications of lemon powder

Nov 22, 2022

Eight applications of lemon powder

The experiment shows that lemon is rich in citric acid, vitamin C and lemon polyphenols. We can make good use of them.

Eight applications of lemon powder

1. Lemon can relieve arthritis and rheumatism. Because it is diuretic, it can expel many viruses and toxins while urinating, which can reduce inflammation.

2. Drinking lemon water or juice can prevent kidney stones, as citrate in urine can prevent the formation of lumpy stones.

3. Lemon can prevent osteoporosis. Citric acid in lemon can chelate calcium and greatly improve the absorption rate of calcium, increase the bone density of human body,  then play a role in preventing osteoporosis. Meanwhile, lemon is rich in vitamin C which has stimulative effect to the absorption of human body calcium.

4. Lemons can stop the bleeding in your gums and reduce tooth decay

5. Diabetes is a common endocrine metabolic disorder. It has the characteristics of irritability thirst, polyuria, polyphagia, fatigue, emaciation and other manifestations. The study found that green lemons contains an insulin-like ingredient that can lowers abnormal blood sugar levels.

6. Remove odors from your fridge by placing a cotton ball or sponge soaked in lemon juice.

7. Adding a cup of lemon juice to your laundry will make cotton clothes whiter and fresher.

8. Put some lemon powder in the closet and it can play a role in fresh air and insect control.

Of course, the person with bad function of stomach should not eat lemon.

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