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    No. A6-608 Lugu International Industrial Park, Yuelu District, Changsha 410205, Hunan, P.R China

Parsley Extract

Feb 1, 2024

Parsley Extract

Parsley, also known as cilantro, French coriander, etc., is a one-two-year-old herbaceous plant of the umbelliferae parsley. Eat young leaves as spicy vegetables. Fresh root and stem juice can be used for medicinal purposes. Native to the Mediterranean coast. West Asia, ancient Greece, and Rome had been used as early as BC, and they were mostly cultivated in China. Parsley contains a lot of iron, vitamin A and vitamin C. It is a spiced leaf vegetable. It is widely used in western food. It is often used as a decoration on cold dishes or dishes. It can also be used as a spice seasoning. It can also be eaten raw, especially for eating. Chew a little parsley leaf after the onion and garlic to eliminate the odor in the mouth.

Parsley Extract

1.Parsley contains acidic antihypertensive components, which can significantly reduce blood pressure for immunization and intravenous injection in dogs; it is effective for primary, pregnancy and menopausal hypertension.

2. An alkaline component isolated from parsley has a calming effect on animals and a stabilizing effect on the human body. It is good for calming mood and eliminating irritability.

3. Parsley contains diuretic active ingredients, eliminates water and sodium retention in the body, diuresis and reduces swelling. Clinically, the effective rate of decoction of parsley in water is 85.7%, which can treat chyluria.4. Parsley is a high-fiber food. It is digested in the intestines to produce a kind of lignin or an antioxidant for intestinal fat. At high concentrations, it can inhibit carcinogens produced by intestinal bacteria. It can also speed up the operation time of feces in the intestine, reduce the contact of carcinogens and colon mucosa to prevent colon cancer.

5. Parsley has a high iron content, which can supplement women’s menstrual blood loss, eat it to avoid pale, dry skin, and bleak complexion, and can make eyesight and hair black and shiny.

Parsley Extract

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