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    湖南省长沙市岳麓区麓谷国际工业园 A6-608 号 邮编:410205


英文名称:Date Palm Extract

植物学名:Phoenix dactylifera






Date palm, also known as Persian date, fan date, Iraqi date, is the fruit of date palm. The original plant belongs to Acanthophora palmiaceae. Date palm is produced in the Middle East, North Africa and China’s Fujian, Guangxi, Yunnan, Guangdong and other tropical or subtropical areas. Date palms are rich in nutrients.


产品名称 枣椰树提取物
外观和颜色 棕黄色细粉末
提取比例 10:1
网眼尺寸 NLT 90% 至 80 目
水分含量 NMT 5.0%
灰分含量 NMT 5.0%
重金属 NMT 10ppm
砷(As) NMT 1ppm
镉 (Cd) NMT 1ppm
汞(Hg) NMT 0.1ppm
铅 (Pb) NMT 3ppm
提取溶剂 谷物酒精/水


Date Palm Extract has the following effects:

Date palm extract is nutrient-rich and rich in fructose, which can be eaten with caution by diabetic patients because of its high glycemic index. In addition to being rich in fructose, dates also contain a variety of vitamins, proteins, mineral elements and other nutrients, and have been regarded as a good nourishing food since ancient times. The sugar juice extracted from the jujube palm can be condensed as a seasoning, which is often used for cooking meat, sweet and not greasy. Date palm sweet, warm, non-toxic, can supplement the qi, cough moistening lung, phlegm and asthma.


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    湖南省长沙市岳麓区麓谷国际工业园 A6-608 号 邮编:410205


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