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    湖南省长沙市岳麓区麓谷国际工业园 A6-608 号 邮编:410205


英文名称: Soy Protein Powder

植物学名:Gycine max


规格: 90% 蛋白质




Soy Protein Powder is a healthy alternative to animal protein as a plant-based dietary source of complete protein,90% protein content.It is made from high quality Non-GMO soybean.

This dairy free, gluten free, unflavored, unsweetened powder is an easy way for vegans and vegetarians to supplement their protein intake.


产品名称 大豆蛋白粉
外观和颜色 Fine off-white powder
规格 90% Protein
网眼尺寸 NLT 90% 至 80 目
水分含量 NMT 5.0%
灰分含量 NMT 5.0%
重金属 NMT 10ppm
砷(As) NMT 1ppm
镉 (Cd) NMT 1ppm
汞(Hg) NMT 0.1ppm
铅 (Pb) NMT 3ppm


Soy Protein Powder has the following effects:

1.Soy protein powder is easy to dissolve. It’s used as a supplement or as an ingredient in food. Supplemental protein powder is often mixed with vitamins, minerals, and flavoring.

2.Studies show that consuming dietary protein promotes muscle gains and preserves lean muscle. Proteins are the building blocks of muscles. Protein helps repair and maintain this tissue. Amino acids are the building blocks of protein. Given that soy protein is the only plant protein with all nine essential amino acids, it proves beneficial for muscle growth.

3.Soy protein powder may lower blood sugar.Since hypoglycemic drugs lower blood sugar levels, consuming soy protein powder might lower it too much.


Packaging detail of Soy Protein Powder:

包装详情:1 千克/袋、5 千克/袋、或 25 千克/纸桶或纸箱,或按您的要求。

包装详情 :

  1. 每个铝箔袋 1 公斤,内装一个塑料袋;
  2. 每个纸板桶 25 公斤,内装一个塑料袋;
  3. 根据客户要求进行包装。


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    湖南省长沙市岳麓区麓谷国际工业园 A6-608 号 邮编:410205


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