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    湖南省长沙市岳麓区麓谷国际工业园 A6-608 号 邮编:410205


英文名称:Black Bean Hull Extract

植物学名:Glycine max.


规格:25%A 花青素




Black bean hull is called “material bean coat”, which has the effect of detoxification and diuresis. Black bean hull is black and contains anthocyanins, which are a good source of antioxidants, which can remove free radicals in the body, especially in the acidic environment of the stomach, have good antioxidant effects, beautify the skin, and increase gastrointestinal motility.


产品名称 黑豆壳提取物
Botanical Name Glycine max.
外观和颜色 Fine deep purple powder
网眼尺寸 NLT 90% 至 80 目
水分含量 NMT 5.0%
灰分含量 NMT 5.0%
重金属 NMT 10ppm
砷(As) NMT 1ppm
镉 (Cd) NMT 1ppm
汞(Hg) NMT 0.1ppm
铅 (Pb) NMT 3ppm
提取溶剂 谷物酒精/水


黑豆壳提取物Black Bean Hull Extract has the following effects:

  1. The anti-oxidation and anti-aging effects of Black Bean Hull Extract is obvious;
  2. Black Bean Hull Extract can reduce the activity of oxidase;
  3. In inhibiting the absorption of cholesterol and reducing the content of low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, Black Bean Hull Extract plays an important role;
  4. Black Bean Hull Extract can improve the body’s absorption of iron, and eating black soybeans with skin can improve the symptoms of anemia.


Frances Wang

Hunan MT Health Inc.
电话:(86)731-8557 4798
WhatApps & 微信:(86)185 7334 5952

电子邮件和 Skype: 销售额14@mthealth.com.cn


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    湖南省长沙市岳麓区麓谷国际工业园 A6-608 号 邮编:410205


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