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    No. A6-608 Lugu International Industrial Park, Yuelu District, Changsha 410205, Hunan, P.R. China

Екстракт от Cnidium Monnieri

Българско наименование: Екстракт от Cnidium Monnieri

Ботаническо име: Cnidium monnieri

Активна съставка: Osthol

Спецификация: 10%-98% отвор

Външен вид: Кафяв прах

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Екстракт от Cnidium Monnieri

Cnidium Monnieri Extract, Chinese medicine name. Cnidium monnieri (L.)Cuss. Dried ripe fruit. Distributed in East China, central South, southwest, northwest, North China, Northeast and other places. It has the effect of dryness and dispelling wind, killing insects and relieving itching, warming kidney and aphrodisiac. It is often used to improve Yin pruritus, eczema pruritus, wet bi lumbago, kidney deficiency impotence, uterine cold infertility and other symptoms.Cnidium Monnieri Extract is extracted from Cnidium Monnieri Extract plants, and they have the same efficacy.

Екстракт от Cnidium Monnieri

Име на продукта Екстракт от Cnidium Monnieri
Външен вид и цвят Brown Powder
Спецификация 10%-98% osthole
Размер на окото NLT 90% до 80 окото
Съдържание на влага NMT 5.0%
Съдържание на пепел NMT 5.0%
Тежки метали NMT 10ppm
Арсен (As) NMT 1ppm
Кадмий (Cd) NMT 1ppm
Живак (Hg) NMT 0,1ppm
Олово (Pb) NMT 3ppm
Екстракт разтворител Зърнен алкохол/вода

Екстракт от Cnidium Monnieri

  1.  warming kidney aphrodisiac

Cnidium Monnieri Extract has the function of warming the kidney and aphrodisiac. It can not only be used to improve impotence caused by kidney deficiency and infertility caused by cold and wet zone in women, but also improve the level of estrogen in the body and improve the phenomenon of female sexual dysfunction.


2, drying dampness and dispel wind

It is warm and bitter in taste. It also has the function of dryness and dispelling wind. It can effectively remove moisture in the body and treat joint pain, waist and knee pain, rheumatic bone pain, arthritis and other symptoms caused by cold and wet constitution.


  1. Killing insects and relieve itching

Cnidium Monnieri Extract can also play the role of insecticidal antipruritic, can improve the treatment of male scrotal damp, female external wet itch and other symptoms. Not only can be taken internally, but also can be used externally, external use can be used to treat a variety of skin diseases, such as eczema, atopic dermatitis, tinea of the hand and foot, wet sores, scabies and so on.

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    No. A6-608 Lugu International Industrial Park, Yuelu District, Changsha 410205, Hunan, P.R. China

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